This workout is the perfect 4-move lean, sexy legs workout! For this workout I added one of my favorites — a kettle bell. So why add weights to your workout? Here are two reasons why:
- You’ll burn more fat – up to 40% more fat, actually! When you don’t lift weights or do any kind of strength training, you’re going to end up losing weight that’s a combination of fat and muscle
- Resistance training can also help to increase your bone density, which can decrease dramatically as we age, causing a higher risk for fractures.
Remember — if you need to modify the workout and not add add a kettle ball or weight trust yourself and listen to your body. Try this out at home and send me your sweaty selfies #fitlifecrew! Ready to rock this workout? Let’s do it!
Here are the instructions:
Move 1: Squat
- Place feet a little wider than shoulder-width apart, hips stacked over knees, knees over ankles. Roll the shoulders back and down away from the ears.
- Initiate movement by inhaling into the belly, and unlocking the hips, slightly bringing them back. Keep sending hips backward as the knees begin to bend.
- While the butt starts to stick out, make sure the chest and shoulders stay upright, and the back stays straight. Keep the head facing forward with eyes straight ahead for a neutral spine. Engage the core, and exhale while driving through the heels to return to standing. Imagine the feet are spreading the floor (the left foot to the left, right foot to the right) without actually moving the feet. Squat description source: Huffington Post
Move 2: Kettle Bell Swings
- Begin standing with feet parallel and a weight in your right hand. Raise the kettle bell in front of you over your head.
- Squat jump and swing the weight between your legs and bring up and over head with each jump.
Kettle Bell Swings – Part 1
Kettle Bell Swings – Part 2
Move 3: Reverse Lunge Jumps
- Starting from a standing position with the feet hip width apart, take a lunge backwards ensuring that the knee remains inline with the ankle and hip throughout the lunge.
- Push down through the front heel, straightening the front leg to allow the body to raise up towards the starting position. At this point, the knee that was previously lowered towards the floor now raises up and out in front of the body allowing the now standing foot to raise up on to the toes through the knee driving momentum.
- Return back to the starting position then repeat the same action on the other leg. Important tip: When performing this exercise, it’s important that your knees do not reach out over your toes on your forward foot.
Kettle Bell Lunge Jumps – Part 1
Kettle Bell Lunge Jumps – Part 2
Move 4: Kettle Bell Lunge Jumps
- Begin standing with feet parallel and a weight in your right hand. Raise the kettle bell in front of you over your head.
- Start in lunge position holding kettle bell in front of you with your right leg behind you. Drive up out of lunge to switching legs so that your left leg is behind you.
Complete each move for 45 seconds. Come to standing and rest for 2 minutes. Repeat this sequence 3-4 times! Share this workout with your friends by clicking the social links!